Cohort Outtake: Oregon Is Awesome, But Not Quite This Much

Stacy conti

When I saw this image posted at the Cohort by Stacey Young, at first my eyes just took in the the old Continental and Ford pickup. Very nice, but not completely out of the ordinary. Then I saw Mt. Hood hulking in background. Wow! It must have been the lens she used to pop it up that dramatically. Still…But when I noticed the two hot air balloons, I knew that I’d been had. And she has titled this: Western Oregon Saturday Morning – slightly surreal digital art.

She posted a couple of other slightly less surreal photos too:

Stacy A40

This one, titled “Early Morning Used Car Lot – SE Portland”  caught my eye about as much as the other one: Wow! An Austin A40, with an early Chevy Vega coupe in the background. What a combo. Roger Carr profiled the A40 here. These were not that uncommon back in the early 60s, when Austin still had a decent presence here with passenger cars. But I haven’t seen one since LA back in the 70s.

Stacy audi

The last one is an Audi B2 Coupe. Nice.