Weird Brochure Outtake: 1973 Imperial – Just Something Imp-Eerie-Al About It

1973 Imperial brochure seats

An avid collector and enthusiast of vintage car brochures, I’ve naturally come across some featuring rather unusual images over the years. Often, it’s due to the “scene” and its elements of actors, objects, and backdrop, which tend to distract from the actual car. Other times, such as this image from the 1973 Imperial catalogue, they’re just plain weird.

I’ve ran across this image numerous times over the years, and it always makes me uncomfortable. Maybe I’m just crazy, but there’s something very ghostly about it. I can’t really explain why, but the completely out of their element seats that are placed in the center of the room and oddly angled, the startled expression of the woman in black, and the Vermeer-like artistic quality sort of give me the chills. I understand Chrysler was trying to showcase how the seats were as comfortable as a piece of home furnishing, but still, there’s something eerie about it.