CC Outtake: 2001 Sutphen Fire Truck – It’s Not Trash Day

This showed up almost directly in front of my house today.

(Please disregard the dandelions.)

As I sat in my office toiling away on my next Curbside Classic masterpiece about a Toyota or perhaps a Nissan, I heard the familiar sound of a large diesel engine and immense weight which I normally associate with trash pickup day.

But Saturday isn’t trash pickup day.

I peered through the blinds to find this pale yellow behemoth stopped out front and noticed that I hadn’t noticed any sirens.

Truth in advertising is not dead because the nice young men who arrived with the truck were, in fact, checking and/or installing smoke detectors.  I informed them that mine work fine as they helpfully indicate most instances in which I operate the stove.

They had no objection to my snapping a few quick pictures of their rig, and here we are.  This one appears to have ample, uh, knobs and buttons and such.  Yes.

I believe the gentleman told me this boom has a 90 foot reach though it would be more fun if it were the 500 my mind briefly imagined.

Though it has since started raining lightly, it’s still a nice day here in SpringVegas, and I thank the kind sirs at the SpringVegas Fire Department for granting my request for some photos.