Vintage Snapshot: California Flood

Proof that the CC Effect takes all forms, I saw this picture of a streetscape under water, in my home town of Santa Cruz, California in the 1940’s, just a few days before Jason posted his own Vintage Flood Snapshots. Though it’s only one picture, I though the prominent placement of a Packard and a Studebaker warranted sharing it here.

Unfortunately, it was a more typical sunny California day when I rode my bike over to try to duplicate it. Ebert’s Department store is now an Italian restaurant, but has also been a Harley dealer and a sporting goods store in my memory. And the Ace Hardware in the background, which was a drugstore in the first picture, is where I shot this CC a while back. Unfortunately there were no real CC’s driving around when I took this picture, but I was able to capture an uncharacteristically domestic flock of vehicles, for fitting comparison to the 1940’s picture.