Cohort Outtake: Colorful Custom Camry

Toyota Camry custom fq

When I ran into this shot posted at the Cohort by A.Bear, a smile came over me and I thought: “Wow; what a colorful Camry! Someone is really having fun with their car. Good for them; beats seeing another silver or beige one.”

But I see my sentiments aren’t exactly shared with the photographer of this car.

Toyota Camry Custom s

Mr. Bear (living up to his name?) had this to say about it:

What the hell is wrong with people?ย 

Seen in Los Angeles. A perfectly good late model Toyota Camry totally ruined by all of this crap. Neon green and orange wheels check! Sweet huge flaming blue skull decals on the sides check! Fake plastic chrome side air intakes, check! fake plastic chrome all around, blue wing, check! fake hood scoop for added horse power and dorkyness, check! blue windshield wipers, check! more blue accents and pinstripes, check! Blue I have no idea what the hell those things on top of the windshield are, Check!

ย I bet JC Whitney made a hell of a lot of money from this customer. I still feel bad for the poor Camry. ๐Ÿ™

Trying to stand out from the crowd with one’s car is as old as the Model T, which sparked a booming business in after-market customization parts. And in LA, Camrys are the modern-day Model T. Colors may change, but not human nature.