QOTD: Which Rambler/AMC Will Grace Your Fantasy Garage?

AMC Rambler 1952 wagon

This question could make both my head and heart explode. Over the decades I’ve fallen in love with so many Ramblers, despite my childhood disdain for them due to their frumpy image. But I’ve always been a sucker for clean, aero and “bathtub” cars since early childhood, probably from my exposure to a Tatra in our neighborhood. So right in the heart of the flashy go-go sixties, I already fell for the early fifties Ramblers, especially the wagon, which was called Greenbrier, no less. The caramel sauce frosting on this tasty little licorice pudding is the very unusual woody treatments with which Nash graced some of these cars; here’s the dashboard:

AMC Rambler 1950 wagon dash

I know it’s only paint or a transfer, but wow!ย  For at least the next fifteen minutes, at least, this is what I want in my fantasy garage. How about you?