CC Capsule: Room Enough.

We’ve run more than enough shots pointing out how bloated today’s cars are, but hey when it’s a Fiat 500 Giardiniera we can always go another.

The new 500 is retro done well. I see a lot of them around and they continue with pleasantness to the eye. Unfortunately, the derivatives appear like bee-sting-swollen versions of the base shape.

Mini has a better retro language than the Fiat; a classic in its own right. But its variants too suffer from excessive stingage.

Maybe they’re ready for a parallel range with the Clubman face via Marc Newson’s 021C – to get some cleaner two-box action for the more upright models.

And Fiat? A Skoda-beating Niki based on old 500 tech for starters.

This is one of the finer wagons in history. It sustains the beauty of the front end with gently tapering speedlines that don’t go for too long. The current 500 wagons haven’t quite translated as well. My top 5 current shapes Monday.


Further Reading

Jim Klein’s Blue Giardiniera

Joseph Dennis’ Yellow Roman

Roger Carr’s Nuova Comparo

Jana Lingo’s Verde Chiaro