Yes Tom, I have decided to restrict my CC contributions to turquoise cars. Short term, I may have to accept my share of white ones until we find someone to replace Perry. ๐
First generation Corvair. Looks like the same color as my ’64. I would ask how the devil did you get in my garage, but I’m pretty sure I don’t have T-3 low beams anymore.
I think that is a 1965 Corvair, perhaps a Monza. The earlier ’63 style would have had a turn signal between the headlights and bumper; this one does not.
I never even looked closely at the headlights. I guess the Guide sealed beams tell us just how original this car really is. Guide Lamp was right up the road in Anderson, Indiana, one of quite a few GM facilities in the area that have been shuttered over the last 20 years.
1963 Mercury Comet?
It looks like a ’59 Chevy to me.
pontiac tempest 61-62
2nd generation Chevrolet Corvair (65 and out)
That pattern between the headlights screams both ’59 full-size Chev and gen1/2 Corvair, but as to which, I have no idea!
Well, it appears to be metallic aqua–a sure-fire draw to our friend JP! ๐
Yes Tom, I have decided to restrict my CC contributions to turquoise cars. Short term, I may have to accept my share of white ones until we find someone to replace Perry. ๐
2nd gen Corvair.
Not sure what the car is, but it’s a Guide brand light. That probably means GM something.
It is a 1963 Corvair and the color is Azure Aqua.
64 full size Ford. I’m thinking Galaxie.
First generation Corvair. Looks like the same color as my ’64. I would ask how the devil did you get in my garage, but I’m pretty sure I don’t have T-3 low beams anymore.
1965-67 Corvair. I think the 68’s had vertical lines within the T-3 triangle logo after that year.
Yeh, ’65+ corvair.
+1 (googled)
Ok I’ll guess early 60s’ Chevy 2, Nova?
I think that is a 1965 Corvair, perhaps a Monza. The earlier ’63 style would have had a turn signal between the headlights and bumper; this one does not.
Another vote for the 1963 Corvair. I seem to recall that the black paint between the headlight ribs went with that year.
1966 Falcon
I don’t know, but those old G.M. Guide T-3 sealed beams lasted for years and years.
I never even looked closely at the headlights. I guess the Guide sealed beams tell us just how original this car really is. Guide Lamp was right up the road in Anderson, Indiana, one of quite a few GM facilities in the area that have been shuttered over the last 20 years.
Here’s your answer. Generation 2 corvair, ๐
Nailed it!
For once , I knew the answer at a glance .
Sadly , so did everyone else .
I like these but I rarely have any real idea what the clue photo is .