Cohort Outtake: The Painted Cars of Mill Valley – Porsche 911 and Tesla Model S, by Zio Ziegler

I’ve shown you scads of painted cars of Eugene, but they’re always typical Eugene-mobiles: cheap old cars. But in tony Mill Valley, CA, which started out as something of an artist’s enclave, folks have their expensive new cars painted. And why not?

This is quite a sight that Nicky D found and posted at the Cohort; no less than a 911 and Model S. Who painted them? I need to get them to paint my van.


I cropped the shot of the 911 and saw this name on the back: Zio Ziegler. A pretty well known muralist from San Francisco. And there’s other shots and articles about this 911 on the web.

Here’s Zio with his handiwork.

Here’s a Mclaren he did. I’m guessing he’s not Eugene-cheap.

Here’s another shot of the 911 from the front.

And I found the Tesla too, which he did more recently. So both these cars ended up in the same driveway; a patron of sorts.

If I can’t afford Zio to do my van, I can afford a pair of Vans by him. The next best thing.