Cohort Classic: 1975 Chevrolet Monte Carlo – The Preview To The Prequel

Do you like previews when you go to the movies? Here’s why I ask: an in-depth Monte Carlo CC write-up is inevitable, including for all the generations. But it’s still on the To-Do list, which sometimes feels like a perpetually moving target. So when a lovely round-eyed MC like this shows up in the Cohort (shot by bobloblaw), shall we indulge in it, or avert our eyes and wait for the feature-length version to arrive?

I picked the Monte Carlo because it also ties in to the next CC, the granddaddy of the personal coupe genre. What started out as a tentative (and failed) step into that genre eventually snowballed in the seventies, especially when the Grand Prix reappeared in 1969 on a mid-sized chassis and a slightly reined-in price tag. A monster category was unleashed, and we’ve just unleashed the preview, in more ways than one. Now back to writing that prequel.