Help Wanted: Someone To Write Up This Subaru XT (Or Any Other Car)

Got something interesting to say about a Subaru XT or just about any other car ever made? We’ve got a mighty big soap box to tell it from. CC had over 100,000 Unique Visitors in during the past thirty days. That’s up 100% since just six months ago. The CC team of Editors and Contributors is working hard to keep the content flowing, but we all have other commitments too; this is one giant labor of love. So we’re always open to new Contributors who have knowledge and good writing skills, and can say something interesting, whether it be words of love or hate about any of the thousands of cars in our files, at the CC Cohort, or your own.

We could really use a Cohort Editor, someone who can pick out the most interesting cars and add something worthwhile to them. And we want to cover more recent cars: go out and shoot cars that interest you from the nineties and even aughts. Anything except brand new, as long as it has a story worth telling, short or long. And don’t they all?

Got something? Send it to us here at the Contact form, preferably in a Word doc; and attach pictures (not in the text). Or flip through the Cohort, or ask me if you have a particular car you’d like to write up and you don’t have pictures. I don’t promise absolutely everything will go up, as we’re constantly working to improve our quality. We also have an excellent copy editor to polish your text. So here’s your invitation to share your perspective on the XT, or whatever else, and have an appreciative audience hanging on your every word.