QOTD: Can You ID The Trailer? Ok; That Was Easy. How About Its Tail Lights?

CC 297 025 1200

About the best thing that has happened to me this summer is meeting Nick, who has become my assistant in my various projects, like renovating the house his rig is parked in front of. I met Nick because of the awesome truck he drives, which will be the subject of a full CC, as soon as I can stop doing these Peugeot CCs.

Anyway, Nick spends a few days each week in Portland, and he showed up yesterday with this cute little utility trailer, which he scored for $100. He has big plans for it, but maybe we’ll cover that another time when he starts to implement them. In the meantime, can you ID the original source of the bed? (Hint: the logo on the back might be a bit misleading) How about something a bit more challenging?

CC 297 026 1200

Like these tail lights grafted onto the fenders? Anybody recognize them?

Update: We really don’t know what they’re from, so if you know, please do show pictures or other evidence. This is not a CC Clue; we really are clueless.