We are all safely home after a terrific long CC weekend in the Motor City. Paul and I have batted this report back and forth over the past day or so, as it seems that he and Jason went a little overboard on bringing souvenirs home with them. Keepsakes that must be treated medically are to be avoided. No, not that kind – it was not that kind of convention. But due to Paul’s case of the flu (or something like it) I will be bringing you our little report.
Knowing that DougD would be driving his Beetle, I had wrestled with whether to drive the Miata from Indianapolis. The lack of cruise control and the state of some of our Midwestern highways made me wonder if it was the best choice. But I was soon rescued from this choice when Jim Klein emailed me and offered a ride. He had already made arrangements to pick Jason Shafer up in Missouri and since they would be driving within a mile of my front door, it just seemed like a good idea. It has long been my personal policy to never turn down an opportunity for a Mercedes and a chauffeur. That it was an SUV taking a break from kid-hauling made not a whit of difference to me.
We were tempted by an event in South Bend (a couple of hours out of the way) offering Studebaker rides through downtown, but determined that given the length of the drive (Jim had begun the day before in Colorado) we had probably best pass. Which turned out to be a good thing because we were almost perfectly on time to pick Paul up at the airport.
You might ask: What was the first sight to greet us when we got off the interstate in Detroit? It would be this. Which would also be the last sight we saw as we retraced our steps to go home on Sunday.
Friday morning we met Ed Stembridge, Vic Ceicys (Geelong Vic) and reader Bill Hall for our hotel’s free breakfast and then proceeded to Greenfield Village. Ed drove his brand new Chevy SS Holden Commodore, which became the car everyone ran to first when it came time to go anywhere. Our meeting place at the fountain turned into a reception of sorts as one by one we met some old friends and new ones.

L to R standing- Dean Edwards, Jim Klein, Steve Valley (Steve), Paul Niedermeyer, Vic Ceicys (Geelong Vic, Toledo), Scott Bennet (Scott, Maine), Ed Stembridge (Illinois), Dan Cluley (Lansing, MI), and Bill Hall (Dallas, TX). Foreground: Joe Dennis (Chicago), Jason Shafer (Jefferson City, MO), Rory Mulligan (1964bler, Kenosha, WI), and yours truly (Indianapolis, IN).
We began with a strong contingent and some great cars, including Dean Edwards’ beautiful ’75 Monte Carlo. Steve and Dan were two of our local resources, who were most appreciated. This was Scott’s second trek in a row from Maine. For several days in advance, rain had been in the forecast. But when the first meet-up day finally arrived the weather was perfect.

L to R: Jim Klein, Ed Stembridge, Vic Ceicys, Bill Hall, Scott Bennett, Paul Niedermeyer, Jason Shafer, Joe Dennis, Dan Cluley, Dean Edwards and J P Cavanaugh
Greenfield Village is a fascinating place – sort of the Disneyland of America’s early industrial era. We saw Thomas Edison’s lab, machine shop and part of an early generating station. We also got to take in a functioning railroad roundhouse, among other things. This is a little embarrassing, but it is tough to remember all the things I saw there because there was so much great conversation going on among groups of three or four that constantly shifted members. After lunch in the Village we continued. As we walked along, a friendly looking stranger approached me and asked if we were the Curbside Classic group. It turned out to be George Ferencz (Sally Sublette, and whose name I hope I have not misspelled) who had been looking for the only group of older guys with no kids in tow.

L to R: Dan Cluly, Bill Hall, Rory Mulligan, Paul Niedermeyer, Jason Shafer, George Ferencz, Scott Bennett, Vic Ceicys. Kneeling/seated were Steve Valley, Ed Stembridge and J P Cavanaugh, who won a competitive race for the bench.
After our walk through the Village (and in no way did we cover it all) it was decided to head for Fair Lane, the Estate of Henry Ford which was paid for by the Model T. Sadly, the house itself was closed for renovations but we were able to walk the grounds and continue our high-level automotive discussions. A mid afternoon rest on the veranda was most necessary and provided a place for those discussions to continue. This picture was taken by a nice young couple willing to indulge us.
After returning to our hotels (and a bit of a rest) we met at Buddy’s Pizza for some Detroit-style square pizza, where we were joined by Richard Bennett, his friend Jake Hayes, Nigel Tate (Formerly Mr. Edward Mann) and his Dad. It was unfortunate that Rory had to leave us at Fair Lane due to some family plans for the next day and Joe Dennis succumbed to the call of his native Flint for the evening, but a constant ebb and flow as peoples’ schedules allowed became our norm.
Saturday morning found us back in front of the Henry Ford Museum to catch the bus for the Ford Rouge Factory tour. Or we would have been there if not for the distraction of the gorgeous 1969 Cadillac Fleetwood that Dean chose to drive for the day. Doesn’t the painted roof just make this car? This may have been the only time all weekend that Ed’s SS in the background was completely ignored. We were also joined by Nigel (again) and by readers Cresys and TomLU86. Their first names are Chris and Tom but their last names unfortunately went where so many other important pieces of information go these days, a place that makes all needed contents completely inaccessible while taunting me with periodic disgorgement of things so completely useless that . . . what . . . where was I? [Edit – it’s Chris Eicher. Thanks for the reminder!]
The Ford River Rouge plant came online in 1928 to replace Ford’s Highland Park complex where most Model Ts had been built. The Rouge may have been the most vertically integrated auto plant in history. For those who did not major in economics, vertical integration means that coal, silica and iron ore were scooped into one end of the factory and completed Fords rolled out the other. The plant was a Ford mainstay for decades, churning out Model As, the flathead V8s, Thunderbirds and Mustangs.
The plant has been modernized and now churns out 7,200 F-150s every week. Cameras were a no-no inside the plant, but it was fascinating to watch the way a modern truck comes together. More than one of us remarked that none of those parts will ever be as accessible (or with as much slack wire) again.

From Left: Chris Eicher, Doug DeGelder, TomLU86, Jim Klein, Paul Niedermeyer, Vic Ceicys, Ed Stembridge, Scott Bennett, Dean Edwards, Bill Hall, J P Cavanaugh, Dan Cluley, Jason Shafer and Steve Valley.
We returned for lunch at the Henry Ford Museum where we learned what happens when someone (not one of us, thank you) tried to exit from the doors marked “Emergency Exit”. It is loud. We had received word that DougD was in town and was inquiring if he might be able to get a lift. Too many hours in a ’63 Volkswagen must not be good for a person (which is why some of us tend towards things like Chrysler Newports) and he was able to join us. Nigel was good enough to snap this picture before we resumed.
The afternoon found us at the Ypsilanti Automotive Heritage Museum. This was a delightful little place that is locally known as the last Hudson Dealer in the world. It seems that the dealership turned down AMC’s demand for upgrades and soldiered along selling and servicing used Hudsons for quite a few years before finally becoming a museum. The place has a focus on the automotive history of the Ypsilanti area, which is quite varied. Among the Ypsi connections are Preston Tucker and the Willow Run factory complex where Kaiser-Frazer and then GM built cars – and automatic transmissions. Any museum that has a display chassis from a 1940 Oldsmobile, several Corvairs, a prototype GM Wankel engine, a Kaiser Darrin, a Hudson Italia and a Chrysler 300-D for fun truly had something for everyone in our group. In case you wondered if there are any benefits to subbing for Paul in this wrap-up it is that I get to pick the Fabulous Hudson Hornet to represent the museum instead of one of the Corvairs he was ogling.
By the way, the Hudson Italia in the showroom was one of only 26 ever built. It was riviting to contemplate the car’s complex lines in actual metal. The Italia may have completely failed to save a dying Hudson, but it made our trip there all the more worthwhile. I doubt, however, that one of them ever actually graced this little Ypsilanti dealer showroom.
The ride to the museum should not go unmentioned. Dan Cluley drove his 1965 Chrysler 300 convertible, a tough, grizzled veteran of a car that proudly bore the marks and scars from a lifetime on the briney streets of central Michigan. Jason, Scott and I got a full immersion experience in Dan’s Chrysler for the round trip. To me, this old Chrysler is Detroit, a tough and resilient old thing that has survived decades of hard use but is still in there doing what needs to be done. So, Bravo Detroit, Bravo Chrysler and Bravo Dan for getting the old girl back on the road so that we could all get to see it.

L to R: Nigel Tate, Richard Bennett, Jason Shafer, Dean Edwards, Terry Boyce, Vic Ceicys, Dan Cluley, Scott Bennett, Jim Klein, J P Cavanaugh, an invisible Tony Hossain, Paul, Joe Dennis and Steve Valley.
Saturday night brought us together at a local Dearborn BBQ landmark with a long table and an even longer time visiting. Joe Dennis could not resist our gravitational pull, and we got two more guests, gentlemen of some distinction. Tony Hossain is a creative director with McCann Erickson who has written Chevrolet advertising and brochures for many of our favorite Chevrolets over the years (and who is responsible for the content of the brochure for Ed’s SS). He was joined by Terry Boyce, a well-known author on all kinds of classic cars whose work in Special-Interest Autos and other publications fed my love for old cars through the years. I guess a guy never knows who might be reading this stuff. Ed Stembridge, Doug DeGelder and Bill Hall were the last arrivals and were unfortunately stuck at a nearby booth that was like the kids’ table we have all experienced from time to time. Paul deserves a special shoutout for treating the entire party to dinner, so thank you, kind sir!
We lost many of our number after Saturday evening due to folks’ need to get home, but a few of us met at the Henry Ford Museum on Sunday for a few more hours of Detroit immersion. After some flight delays Will Stopford and his friend Jason were finally able to join us, knocking several others out of the running for the “longest travel” award. Brisbane, in case you are curious.
I feel the need to point out that the Henry Ford Museum contains perhaps the only green 1973 Chrysler Newport sedan in any museum, anywhere in the world. Which is something else you would never have learned had anyone else been telling this tale. Alas, after lunch it was necessary to get Paul to the airport and for the Westbound Benz to depart from there.
I am sure that others will be along with some posts about specific parts of the weekend. But I will finish this by saying this: About five years ago, I was given the chance to do something that I have enjoyed more than about anything else – take pictures of all kinds of cars and trucks that interest me and write about them in a place where good conversation follows. This place has become a forum for so many of us to come together for fun and discussion about all things automotive, in an atmosphere that makes friends out of strangers. Meeting in person does the same thing, only more so. It is a terrible regret of mine that I did not get as much one-on-one time with so many of you who came, but at the same time, I had a fabulous time renewing old friendships and making new ones. Someone remarked that we could have just found a park to sit and chat, and there would have been just as much fun as we had by going to sights and museums. It might be true. Anyhow, on behalf of CC, thanks to all of you who took time out of your lives to come and join us, because each of you made this weekend better by being there.
Special thanks to Nigel Tate, Richard Bennett, Steve Valley, and all others who contributed these photos.
Sounds like a great time. Always wanted to see Greenfield Village. Maybe when I retire. . . .
Looks like fun! I’ll have to make an effort to go to the next meetup.
I second that! Glad y’all had such a good time, and will make it a goal for next time.
Might have come had I known that Paul was going to pay for dinner!
Argggh! Too many things going on right now. Most importantly, house hunting. But last weekend was the last day of regular (soccer) games and a very large order in house for a well-known Western Michigan office furniture manufacturer that took my remaining time…
Glad to see everyone is healthy and happy, at least talking cars! I’ll make it next time…
I want to thank Jim for writing this, as I’m still recuperating from the flu and a grisly trip home. And I want to extend a sincere apology for exposing all of you who attended to that nasty bug. It started just as I arrived in Detroit, and I did not realize just what it was. I hope none of you other than Jason has come down with it.
Sounds like a great weekend — some day, I’ll get myself to one of these meetups, since I always feel pangs of regret afterwards for having missed it. And I would have made an extra effort to attend had I known about that ’73 Newport!
A little too far for me to make it, but great to ride along vicariously, and looking forward to a west coast followup, in Eugene for a CC walking tour, or perhaps at Laguna Seca or the Peterson Museum in LA.
By the way, thanks for the mention of the Highland Park plant. Last weekend we went camping, and the campground host came by our site to remind us about campfire safety. We chatted and it came up that he was originally from Highland Park. I told him I had heard of it; it was famous in Ford history, though at the time I couldn’t recall exactly why. He looked puzzled and told me that I was probably thinking of Dearborn. He was about 60 years old, surely he would have mentioned that’s where Model T’s were built … but I guess not everyone is like us here at CC.
Although my memory was short-circuited at first, Highland Park is where the Ford N Series (9N, 2N, 8N) tractors were built, over 500K of them….
Wow – all those group shots with names! On this 50th anniversary of Sgt Pepper It reminds me of finally learning which Beatle was which :-). Appears to have been a fascinating and enjoyable weekend.
Looks like a great time had by all. Thanks for the write-up and pictures. One request though, what about some more pictures of the cars that CC writers/readers brought? Or a separate post? I would love to visit all those spots in Detriot, I have never been, Coincidentally, I have to come down to the London, Ontario area for work this week, which is only 140 miles from Detriot. I would have loved to have joined up, but I just couldn’t not swing it for the weekend.
This was my Friday ride to Greenfield Village. Canadian car with 350, no air, tilt AM/FM and not much else.
Very nice Monte Carlo and thanks for sharing the photo! Sounds pretty similarly equipped to my brother’s ’76 Malibu, also a Oshawa built car. It even came with the same wheel covers that your car has.
Dean, your Monte is a beauty! So glad I spotted it in the parking lot… it led me to where I actually needed to be. 🙂
Thanks! The twins really do stand out in the modern CUV/SUV world. Must be the “cab backwards” design.
First, a huge thanks to Paul. Herding cats is never an easy task, and to pull off an excellent weekend like that while under the weather is doubly impressive.
Also thanks to JPC for an excellent recap so quickly. I felt like I was right there. 😉
It was great to see so many faces, old & new. I will be putting up lots of pictures soon, and will put a link in a comment when they are available.
Finally, as one of the “locals” I hope everyone enjoyed the trip enough to come back sometime. There’s plenty more to see.
I hope the CC group can mosey by Motown again in a few years and catch some more of the points of interest. Stahl’s will probably still be there, as well as the Ford Piquette plant. If Fernando Palazuelo, who bought the Packard plant a few years ago, can pull the funding together, the Packard administration building’s renovation should be complete, so there will be more to look at than ruins. The Yankee Air Museum bought the hanger at the east end of the Ford B-24 plant at Willow Run a couple years ago. If they can pull the funding together, the hanger will be renovated into their new museum (I have seen the renderings, very impressive). The rest of the old bomber plant’s footprint has been bought by an organization planning to build an autonomous vehicle R&D center.
Very sorry (for myself) that I missed it. I grew up there and have been to the museums numerous times. My last was The Henry Ford, about 4 years ago. I have not been to the Heritage Center, though. It’s interesting to think the majority of you that write for this site don’t actually see one another very often. Glad you had the opportunity.
Sounds like a great meet-up! Wish I could’ve made it.
That sounds like a great weekend of fellowship and fun. Glad it worked well.
Great recap, it was indeed gratifying to see Dan’s Chrysler leaking more fluids than my Beetle.
Thanks everyone who made it, it was great to meet some of you for the first time, and to meet some of you again. Next time I hope to be grown up enough to make the adults’ table for dinner. 🙂
Paul should get a medal for carrying on, he looked pretty wretched on Sunday morning and air travel in that condition is no picnic..
This is great stuff. Thanks for the write up. Lots of local color in your reporting. I love looking at the photos of the Hudson step-down (140 HP six?) and the Italia.
Very nice report on the Detroit roundup. I can’t travel anymore due to medical issues but it was fun to enjoy the meet vicariously rather than virusy! I have been to Detroit and Greenfield Village several times so have pretty good sense of how it must have been. If I were younger and healthier I would have enjoyed being there. I always enjoy the website and the articles contributed by many. Since I receive continuous chemotherapy for bone marrow Cancer I have low white blood cell count and would have picked up the flu in an instant. Hope any affected are feeling better.
Thanks for the summary and hope to join you all in the future if there’s a meetup closer to the east coast.
I’ve been to both the Henry Ford Museum and the Rouge Plant — both are quite impressive, but didn’t have the time to visit Greenfield Village.
I am pretty sure that green 73 Chrysler Newport was not on display when I was at the museum some 10 years ago (already!), but I know that particular display has been revamped in the interim.
Glad you all had such a wonderful time. Any idea where you are considering for next year?
These tend to be somewhat spontaneous (or based on where Paul is vacationing), so keep an eye out – Paul always does several posts well in advance.
Very sad to have had to miss this. Glad everyone had a great time!
Sounds like a great trip! Thanks for recapping it for us.
Looks like a fantastic trip! I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to make it, but it was a big weekend for the family, celebrating my daughter’s graduation from high school. I’m hoping for another get together in the not-too-distant future!
A wonderful long weekend with lots of new and old friends and memories. Thanks to Paul for organizing it and especially thanks to all of you Michigan guys for A) welcoming us to your stomping grounds and B) providing lots of local flavor and ideas for things to do and see and places to meet. I had a wonderful time and look forward to the next one wherever it may be.
Next year,God willing.
Paul is truly a terrific host, if nothing else. We had a meetup here in Eugene a few years back and I recall that with fondness. Here’s an oddball I snapped just a few hours ago:
Jim, thank you so much for this write-up. It will be a great reminder of this particular meetup.
So great to put actual people with their monikers and visit with everyone. What a great time – it may sound lame to say it that way, but it’s hard to explain how much I really enjoyed the events in which I participated.
Paul, thanks for your (large) part in putting this all together, both the community and this year’s event.
Thanks for the fantastic write-up, Jim! It was a real pleasure to meet all of you on Saturday, I only wish I could’ve stayed longer. Sharing stories with all while mingling at the Ypsi museum was a highlight for me, as was getting to see Ed’s “Holden” and Dan’s Chrysler up close. All in all, the whole day was a real treat.
Paul, a HUGE Thank You for being a most gracious host as always, especially considering your condition! I hope you, Jason, and anyone else who caught the bug recover quickly. I know it can’t be easy organizing something like this and that it’s not expected of you in the least, which makes it all the more special that you make the effort to do it, and regularly at that!
Finally, thanks to my fellow local Michiganders for their part in suggesting events and locales. I especially enjoyed Steve’s seemingly endless knowledge about local attractions and history, automotive and otherwise.
-Chris Eicher
Sounded like a wonderful time. Hopefully, by the time the next one is scheduled I’ll have my new motorcycle (something big and comfortable, otherwise there’s five different bikes in the running), and will be using it as a break-in trip.
Having to take antibiotics after a lively weekend is always a sure sign you had fun.
And, for the record (and in case anyone in attendance catches it), I have contracted both strep throat and Influenza B. Quite the toxic and sucky combination of things to have. My temperature has spiked to 103 F, so it’s been quite the trip.
Regardless of such souvenirs, it was great meeting everyone either again or for the first time. As we are all just a bunch of automotive kindred spirits, never once did it even occur to me I had never met some of those fine folks before.
A few things of note:
Jim Klein drove well out of his way to pick me up as he didn’t want to make the entire trip solo. I truly appreciate that.
Thanks to Paul not only for organizing this event but for the plumbing advice. Now to recover and finish the job.
JP and his wife visited me and my wife at our house back in March or April. I got a bug during that visit. Now, I get sick again. It’s irritating, but I do not believe Jim is a Typhoid Mary.
And a particular thank you to Chris Eicher for telling me about something he recently saw on the CBS Evening News.
I join in thanking Jim for the lift (and doing most of the driving). It was a great time that extended the weekend’s fun by several hours.
And I prefer Typhoid Harry, thank you. 🙂
You both are most welcome, and so far I am still healthy so that’s working out nicely. I got to see a chunk of the country I don’t often get to see and chatting about all kinds of stuff with you guys just extended a great weekend even further on both ends. Looking forward to doing it again sometime!
And I prefer Typhoid Harry, thank you. ?
Don’t blame me! As I said, I am not sick. The constant coughing is from allergies.
I’ll take the rap for the flu, but not the strep throat. No sore throat, nor the high fever that goes with it. Nasty double whammy….
Here’s to a speedy recovery.
I’m disappointed to see you spent so much time at the Henry Ford Museum.. there is so much more to see of Detroit, and really it seems you didn’t really spend any time in Detroit proper. That’s too bad – If there is a next time I will have to join you! Some time at the Packard plant would have been great for photo opps, a drive on Woodward Ave, something, anything.. the museums are fine but not two days fine.
…. there is so much more to see of Detroit,
Too much to see in only three days. The old Ford plant on Piquette and the Packard did come up. From Dearborn, once you’re at Piquette, you are 90% of the way to the Packard plant, so both should be done on the same day.
The Packard plant was bought a few years ago. There is now on site security that shoos people away. The groundbreaking for the renovation of the admin building was last month. If the owner can pull all the financing together, the admin building will be renovated in a couple years. There has been some consideration to establishing a Packard museum in the admin building, while most of the upper floors have already been leased to new tenants. The Packard will be a more interesting visit if all this comes together.
A ride up Woodward on the new streetcar will be more impressive in a few years as well as some parts of midtown are still a bit run down, but there is a building boom underway.
And that wasn’t near enough time at the HF. We spent all morning looking at cars, then I went for a quick stroll through the rest and saw airplanes and furniture and machine tools and electrical generating equipment, decided I couldn’t deal with all that in detail, and came back.
This is very cool…nice to put the screen names to a face. That green Newport is beautiful.
I am a little surprised that nobody noticed my lead picture: The Buick Roadmaster with the Chevy hood ornament. I think this was my favorite picture of the trip.
Personally, I was waiting for more pictures of said Roadmaster and therefore was looking for that.
I did notice, and the fact that the hood ornament is not on straight, which is the perfect crowning touch.
Cropping the image some would probably help improve the “take rate”. 🙂
I had actually decided against asking if that was a Buick Park …..Bench? But since you brought it up…. 🙂
Looks like an all-around great time. Here’s hoping that someday I’ll have an opportunity to attend one of these, it’d be great to meet everyone. Illnesses aside, it’s great to hear that everyone had such an enjoyable weekend.
Pure Michigan but don’t drink the lead contaminated tap water in Flint, it’s not so pure.
I wish I could have made it to dinner on Saturday night but I had not slept at all on Friday night so Saturday night’s snooze was a 14 hour affair, starting in the afternoon…
Glad I made it to Sunday though. HF was an intense museum, I had NO idea it had that much stuff! Also glad I didn’t catch what Jason and Paul had… I hope y’all are feeling better.
I had a lot of fun and so did my friend Jason. Good conversation and plenty of laughs too.
Good to meet you both! Sorry you missed out on the Holden rides… (c:
Also glad I didn’t catch what Jason and Paul had… I hope y’all are feeling better.
iirc I was the firewall sitting between you and Paul at lunch in the museum.
Had a great time. There aren’t many people I can get into a conversation about VW vs Skoda with.
btw, I checked up on the Karoq when I returned home. A short wheelbase Tiguan/Kodiaq. With VW’s announcement that Europe will get both the short and long wheelbase Tigs that leaves only Seat having only one version of the Tig in that market.
One of these years…looks like I missed a fine weekend.
One of these years indeed. Detroit has been on my list for some time but I couldn’t spare the time to make the trip–hopefully someday as it would be great to meet some fellow CCers in person!
Looks like an excellent time was had by all. I was at the Fleetwood Cruize-in on Saturday in London which provided some excellent vehicular photos. More to come.. one example here.
A big thank-you to Paul for stopping by and treating, especially when suffering from a flu. It was really great to meet the inner sanctum of Curbside Classics and match faces to the posts. I’m glad that nobody looked under my cars to see if I was the trendsetter in the informal oil leakage competition!
I didn’t see anyone from the group after lunch, felt really tired about 3 PM and took off. I didn’t sleep well at all on this trip. I hammered the 870 miles back to Maine on Monday. 3:40 AM to 7:15 PM. About 7:45 AM in Toronto traffic I fell asleep and woke up half out of my lane. That woke me up and I had no further issues. Eastern Quebec, from Sherbrooke to the Maine border is beautiful, all mountains with some sloping farmland. I got up yesterday after about 15 hours of sleep and felt sick, sore throat and sweating profusely. I started the zinc and vitamin C regimen (and finished the new season of House of Cards) and seem to be fighting off whatever it was. I was fine at work today. Thanks to Paul for a great weekend and everyone for the good company. I’m kind of a loner, and all that socializing wears on me a bit, but it was worth it.
Good grief! Glad you are OK after that close call.
… felt sick, sore throat and sweating profusely.
Good grief, that makes three for sick call.
Know what you mean about being sleepy at the wheel. I don’t sleep well in strange surroundings either. Last August I got a room in Kalamazoo as my high school reunion was Saturday evening and the Lincoln show was on at the Gilmore on Sunday. I was a wreck driving home Sunday afternoon. Next time at Red Roof I will refuse the “free upgrade” to a room with a kitchenette as the cycling of the refridge helped keep me awake.
Scott, I sleep poorly in strange surroundings and know those falling-asleep moments. I’ll confess to some close calls over the years. Glad you got home OK and are doing better now.
I smiled at the Meet-Up socializing “wearing you out a bit.” They say extroverts are recharged by being *with* people, while introverts (like me) are recharged by some self-time—but I’m happy you felt the long drive was worth it.
Great to see you guys! I really wish I would have had the rest of the weekend to hang out, but at least i got to see Middle Daughter graduate high school. One to go…
Thanks Paul for being a gracious host, and everyone for the great conversation..
Oh, and Steve- you are a freaking encyclopedia!
Oh, and Steve- you are a freaking encyclopedia!
Nice to be appreciated. Most people’s eyes glaze over when I start talking about something that interests me. If we have another meetup in Motown, we’ll have the Packard plant on the agenda and you’ll here my dissertation on Packard’s production of the Merlin.
JPC has officially outed me as “Sally Sublette”–which gave me a hearty laugh–and so I’ll now put my CC alias to rest.
It was a delight to meet Paul and all the others, even though I could only attend on Friday. The group was most welcoming, and it was great to match everyone up with screen names–I can now hear their “voice” as I read their contributions. The conversation came easy on Friday, and I learned plenty.
Vince C, my own ride isn’t yet CC-vintage, but I keep it going out of equal parts of sentimentality and thrift (flattering photo; it’s really just a 50-footer):
Another mysterious CC screen name is retired. You are a gentleman for not pointing out that I did misspell your real life name – it appears I should have bought a vowell. I will fix that.
Hey George, thanks for sharing! We had a Taurus wagon like that in our family for sometime and I had the opportunity to put more than a few miles on it. It was a decent car and the interior layout reminded smaller version of the last BOF wagons. Unfortunately, although very well maintained by an elderly relative, the car went to the junk yard running perfectly (3.0L V6), due to severe chassis rust.
What a great time! Sorry about the flu big that went around, everyone affected should apply for hazard pay. ; )
Y’all are welcome to come to my dusty little city anytime, we can spend the weekend studying the Chevy Astrovans of the Central Valley of California since this is where they all have ended up.
Might have to try to attend one of these meet-ups, really looks like good times.
Clearly, I have not visited this site since February-ish, as this last meet up was in my own backyard. Tax season and the impending birth of my wife’s first grandbaby . . blah blah.
With the demise of the Walter P. Chrysler museum, a fairly recent addition to the Metro Detroit collection of automobilia showplaces is the Stahls Automotive museum, northeast of downtown. http://www.stahlsauto.com/
This weekend hosting the Great Race as it passes through on it’s way to Traverse City, MI from Jacksonville, FL.
Paul had mentioned he would like to see the Packard plant. When the plant was bought a few years ago, the new owner hired security which has been quite aggressive in chasing off loiterers.
However, there are now organized tours of the plant. Reportedly pretty expensive at $40/person. If CC loops this way again in a few years, we can put this on the docket.
Here’s an article on the inaugural tour last Saturday.