Museum Outtake: 1974 Diamond REO Raider – Diamonds Aren’t Forever

This handsome rig resides at the R.E. Olds Museum in Lansing, Michigan, which is a wonderful small museum to visit if you’re interested in Oldsmobile or REO history.  In 1967, White Motor Corporation combined Diamond T and REO Trucks to form Diamond REO, before selling the brand four short years later.  This Diamond REO Raider is a 1974 model from the last model year of Lansing production, nearly 70 years after Ransom E. Olds founded REO Motor Car Company.

I know very little Diamond REO history, and I’ve never watched the 1970s trucker drama Movin’ On (surprisingly), but this still image of that program has a whole lot to like: a Raider with green stripes of varying shades, red pants with a crazy jacket, and a cool orange Scout II in the background.

Edit: I just watched half an episode on a streaming service.  It’s…OK. 

Edit #2: My wife just picked the low-hanging fruit, saying “I just watched half an episode on a streaming service, and moved on.”  

Back at the museum, this sign is perched near the featured Raider, a taunting reminder that I don’t have room in my house for either the truck or the signage.

After being sold by White, Diamond REO continued in limited production under a couple different corporate owners until 1995, but to many fans, the 1974 models were the last true REOs, being that they were assembled in their hometown.  I think this is one of the most striking big trucks of all time, so I ask the comment section – do you have any experience with or stories about Diamond REO trucks?  And can you tell us more about this Raider?