Vintage Framed Photo/Painting: The Not-Niedermeyers’ House and Cars

No, this was not hanging on the Niedermeyer’s mantel. And it’s not their house with a matching brace of red LTDs, so carefully posed for this photograph. But somebody wanted to make sure their pride and joys looked at their best: Notice how everything other than the house and cars have been painted in.

A CC reader sent me this shot, saying:

While going through some dusty junk at a local antique store I found this gem of a picture.Given a certain writer’s bile-inducing hatred of the ’73 LTD and another certain writer’s warm memories of the ’69 LTD I thought this would be worthy of a post.

My apologies for the crappy photography, I only had my phone to take a picture and I was in hurry to avoid looking weird. I really liked this oddball but I’m not sure I $20 liked it. Well… I may have bought it if I had more than $5 in my pocket.
Oh, and yes, the grass and pine trees are painted over. No, I’m not sure why.
Me neither, except maybe they didn’t like the looks of their real lawn. Or sky. I wish I’d stumbled unto it; I’d have made Stephanie so happy bringing home this new addition to our walls. Or maybe even the coveted spot over mantle.