1957 Imperial Crown Southhampton — Maybe the Best Summertime Illustration Ever

I’m going to keep this short.

Sparse like the illustration that this whole post is about.

With all of the Chrysler Imperial goodness that has been featured in recent weeks on CC, I have found myself going down various rabbit holes related to this magnificent yet relatively short-lived marque. Within one of those tunnels I found this ad.

The full ad reveals the typically mid-century expectations (that would now be from the previous century, as I’ll remind those of us who have as many feet in the previous century as we do in the current one) that viewers would actually read all of those things…we call them words, you call them stuff you can’t visualize on your tiny screen…under the picture.  But yeah, being the 21st Century guy that I suppose I should be, I’ll just ignore all of that and instead focus as I should on the lede picture.

To someone who lived either in, or adjacent to that time, this illustration is simply perfect.

The male subject’s sun glasses.

The pack of cigarettes on the blanket…from just before “we” all acknowledged what we already knew about how those things would lead to an unfortunately early death.

The sexy swimsuit and pose on the female subject that somehow made its point despite the fact that she’s substantially more covered than might be the case in more modern illustrations.  What is she looking at? I don’t know.

Maybe it was her future.

And mostly the kid in the car.  Who now might be 70 years old.

I know exactly what he’s doing, because I did it maybe about 7 years later. He’s going Zoom-Zoom and pushing the Imperial’s push button transmission buttons. Come on…you know it.  And you can hear it in your own 8 year old mind.

Fortunately, his dad’s car is on a flat surface and can’t roll down a hill and crash into the garage as a result of his enthusiasm. So his dad can doze.  His mom can look expectantly down the beach at something better (or at least more conscious).  And everyone at this very specific moment could enjoy a perfect Long Island summer.

Before the rest of history happened.

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Stephen Pellegrino’s post notes that an Imperial exactly like this was once owned by Lauren Bacall. I could see that.  And would have loved to see her in the ad.  She’d probably have been down with the smokes on the blanket too.

This also begs a Tom Halter post on vintage car advertising tropes.  Ads featuring cars on beaches are not uncommon, although few seem to be as sexy and languid as this.

If anyone here knows more about who was the illustrator for this Imperial ad, I’d love to hear about that in the comments!