Curbside Outtake: Gasoline Buyers Club – All White, All White, All White…

As I turned the corner to get gas for my “Shade of Gray” vehicle, I was struck by the line of white cars filling up, so I frantically pulled over to the curb and took a shot.  One of the cars had sadly just started to move but whatever…

As I was putting the camera back down I suddenly for some reason thought of Matthew McConaughey in Dallas Buyers Club and his iconic line so here we are.  (And if you haven’t seen the movie, it certainly is an excellent one.)  Nothing too classic in the way of cars in this pic, but the Toyota love does seem strong in these parts.

Oh, and what does the Costco Buyers Club get you in the way of go-juice around here in Northern Colorado?  Below are the current prices.  That’s in United States Dollars per gallon, each of which equates to 3.78541 liters for most of the rest of the world.  Prices have been trending up a bit lately but not too significantly.  What’s your local rate today?