Curbside Classics: Summer Has Arrived – Now’s The Time To Pitch In

First, my apologies to those that read the earlier post that disappeared. Whenever I get to that point, something always happens; in this case it was jpcavanaugh writing the CC for the ’59 Plymouth in the comments. Well, he just became a CC Author, although I’m not sure he knows it yet.

My life is has certain similarities to the farmers that I spent my childhood summers with. It’s a totally seasonal life, and I picked Oregon in major part because it’s so utterly conducive to outside life in the summer: no humidity, pleasant temperatures, no bugs, etc… I have eleven rentals to re-rent and maintain, we have a large garden, and we hike and bike whenever possible.  And now I also have one house to deconstruct and another to build. It stays light until almost ten, and I don’t usually come inside until then. That explains why it’s very hard to even think about writing in the summer, just like farmers don’t sit inside reading or fixing their tools in the summer. And for me, giving writing a break enhances my creative juices, come winter.

I gave you a heads up back in April, and now it’s hit. Quite a few of you said you wanted to contribute. And a few have stepped up, and their contributions have really been terrific. I’ve repeatedly pointed out that some of your comments are as good as a CC post. It’s not that hard! They don’t have to be any particular length…just say what you want to say about a car. And I have lots of pictures; thousands of them, actually.

I’m prepared to help you get your post up, and teach you how to do it yourself. And Ingvar has offered to become an Editor when he gets up to speed. When I come in for lunch or supper, I enjoy having something to read too, like a fresh new CC post, by YOU. So just do it! And come winter, It’ll be my turn again…