Ate Up With Motor Is In Dire Need Of Financial Support – Please Consider Helping Out


Aaron Severson has been writing extremely high quality in-depth automotive histories at his site Ate Up With Motor for some 15 years or so. AUWM was an inspiration to me when I started writing Curbside Classics at the other site, although I took a somewhat different approach than he has. I’ve rather avoided competing directly against him, for a number of reasons. His work has won awards and he has delved into subjects that have never been properly researched and written up. I have enjoyed reading his articles for years, and of course always without cost or even ads.

Perhaps more importantly, Aaron has been an excellent friend of CC, often commenting in great detail to help further the understanding and insights that our posts have covered. He has given me access to this incredible library and online sources. He has suggested subjects and we’ve had some terrific conversations on issues. The depth of his knowledge and insight is absolutely astounding. And he has generously helped my with several site technical issues.

Now it’s time to help Aaron, and yes he really needs it.

I’ve been aware of Aaron’s financial challenges for some years now. His site does not generate any revenue, and his other writing gigs have dried up, a consequence of the decline in the automotive history/journalism business. He has come close to shutting down the site several times. He has also suffered several personal losses and setbacks. It’s time to extend a hand of support.

Aaron has set up an Ate Up With Motor Patreon account, which gives exclusive access to certain material. I think he’s underpriced it at $5/month, but it’s better than nothing. And a friend has set up a Go Fund Me account with a goal to raise $5,250 to cover three months of outstanding rent, a new pair of glasses and mobile phone repair. I did not realize his situation was so dire.

Whether you’re a regular reader or not, AUWM has been a critical resource, inspiration and just enjoyable reading. If you value what Aaron has done without essentially any compensation all these years, I strongly encourage you to help. This is not about putting some extra money in his pocket; it’s pure survival.

I have long pondered how CC and AUWM could work together in ways that would support Aaron better and expose him to a wider audience. Now that I’m “retired” and there’s somewhat fewer in-depth posts here at CC, this is more important than ever. But it’s easier said than done, as Aaron has exceptional standards and is naturally devoted to his excellent site. I will explore it with him again; in any case, I have shared a bit of our financial success with him and will do so in the future. I hope some of you will too.


Here’s the links again:

AteUpWithMotor Patreon Page

GoFundMe Page for Aaron Severson