Trouble Getting an Initial Log-In After Registering at CC? Here’s the Baling Wire Fix Until We Fix It Properly

The really huge tech hurdle for us this year was moving to our new server, thanks to David Saunders, who managed to squeeze it in between his epic bike trip, the Beater Challenge and the usual challenges of having a job and family. But there’s still a number of little glitches in our WordPress setup, one of them being that folks commonly can’t log-in after registering at CC. But there’s a simple baling-wire fix:

Trouble getting an initial Log In after registering for the first time at CC? Unfortunately, it’s a common problem, and here’s the fix;  Try to Log In, but pretend you forgot your password, and ask for a new password to be sent to you via email. Use that to Log In, and if that works fine (it always does) you can always change your password to your preferred one.