Vintage PR Shot: 1960 Fiat 1200 Giardinetta Sleeping (Coachwork By Viotti) – A Bit Risque For 1960 Italy?

The odds are quite good that both you and I have never laid eyes on this car before, even in a two-dimensional representation. And the name: “Giardinetta” means station wagon, and we all know what “sleeping” means, especially in a car; right? The question is: just how many millions of lira did someone have to pay to buy this custom coachwork Fiat 1100/1200, all just to be able to “sleep” in it.

There’s more than a hint of Nash in its grille, and the windshield has a Rambler vibe to it. Of course both Nashes and Ramblers were famous for their fold down seats that could be used to “sleep” in them so effectively. Maybe Viotti was trying to capture more than one dimension of those American “sleepers”.