Time For A New Sunday COALer

I just realized that Tom Halter’s Sunday COAL (Cars Of A Lifetime) series ends this week, so we need us a new COALer. Now I know that there may well be some of you who responded to the previews calls, and were asked to hold off. The problem is that it’s difficult for me to go back and see who was ready with what. So please respond again if you’re ready, willing and able; and here’s how:

Send me an email at curbsideclassic(at)gmail.com, and include the list of cars you’re prepared to write up. If you can, include a text of the first one, as a sample of your writing, but that’s not absolutely necessary yet at this point. This is for the regular Sunday morning spot, so we’re looking for someone that can keep them coming weekly for the duration.

We also do random COALs, individual ones like the Monte Carlo this morning, or possibly several, but not necessarily in a weekly series format. If you have just one or a couple of cars you’d like to write up, let me know too.